Change of the legal status of company Eder - EDER

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Change of the legal status of company Eder

17 sierpnia 2022

Dear customers, contractors and associates.

We are pleased to announce that there has been a change in the legal form of our company. As a result of the transformation, the following company was established: Eder PTFE Solutions Sp. z o.o.

The change is related to the growth of our organization and the continuous development of activity and recognition on foreign markets, not only European.

Until the end of this year, numerous challenges await us in the field of strengthening the status of a leader in the export market and further development of the brand on the domestic market.

We are sure that regular investments and the introduction of newer and newer technological solutions allow us to meet the needs of the modern market of PTFE solutions and the global political and economic situation.

Thank you that, together with us, you are building the best possible image of the Polish industry and business on the European and global arena.

Eder PTFE Solutions Sp. z o.o.

Eder od środka

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