The Intersolar Europe Fair in Munich - EDER

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The Intersolar Europe Fair in Munich

21 czerwca 2023

We have just concluded a major event in the energy industry, the Intersolar Europe trade fair in Munich, Germany.
The fair was part of the comprehensive conference „The smarter E Europe 2023” dedicated to renewable energy. This year’s edition was an exceptional success, attracting 2469 exhibitors from 57 countries.

The smarter E Europe 2023 has become the largest and most international industry event in its history, setting the course for round-the-clock delivery of renewable energy.

Ms Patrycja together with our EDER Team held a series of meetings with solar solution providers, component manufacturers, and others. Solar energy is both the present and the obvious future, and PTFE solutions are an essential part of it.

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tel.: (+48) 61 86 93 550

62-262 Fałkowo k/Gniezna
Fałkowo 66 A
12 km od Gniezna,
40 km od Poznania

NIP: 7842532149

Godziny pracy biura:

Pn – pt: 8:00 – 16:00
Sob, nd, święta: nieczynne

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